2025 Signature Leadership Community Impact Project Proposal

Leadership Lake County provides dynamic learning experiences and leadership development
for 35 - 40 rising and established leaders living and working in the Lake
County community each year. Each class has representation from across private,
public and nonprofit sectors allowing for rich, interdisciplinary learning to
take place. Program days immerse participants into key aspects of Lake County
business and life.

An important outcome of the program is to prepare class members to serve the greater
community by taking on leadership roles on non-profit and public boards, as
well as taking action in our community. 

A Community Impact Project (CIP) is an integral component of the Leadership Lake County Signature
Program. The class reviews proposals and adopts four to six projects each year,
with a team of six to eight class members working in collaboration with an
agency to complete a selected project within an eight-month time frame between
September and April.

You are invited to submit a proposal for consideration by the Leadership Lake County
Class of 2025 participants. The Lake County community benefits from the
projects while the Leadership Lake County team members have the opportunity to
apply the knowledge and skills learned  in their leadership development program
days and workshops. The closing retreat in May will include presentations by
the teams to highlight their learning, their processes and their outcomes of
their projects.

The class will narrow down the projects for selection by August 12th.  If
your project is in the finalist group, you will be invited to join the class on Friday, September 20, 2024 from 8:30am-11:15am at Punderson Manor to further discuss your project expectations and initiate the project. Please save this date on your calendar.

Submit proposals no later than Friday, August 2, 2024.
Project Criteria:
* Must require leadership, not just labor
* Fundraising is not the primary goal. Fundraising may not exceed $2,000 for materials to complete the project.
* Must fill an organizational need with direct, visible impact to the Lake County community.
*There is a measurable outcome
* The project must be sustainable beyond LLC's involvement
*Final projects are adopted at the Class retreat in September. You will be notified of your status by August 12th. If you are a finalist project, you must attend a meeting with your project group on Friday, September 20, 2024 from 8:45am-11:15am at Punderson Manor. Failure to attend will dismiss the project from consideration.  Please save this date on your calendar.


Project Details

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